Program TV: Duminica, 02.02.2025 | Muzică | | | | | | | | | | Acum la TV |
| 11:00 | | Hits On Shuffle! | Acum la TV | MTV 00s
MTV has set itself to shuffle with the hottest and most-loved hits from some of your favourite artists! There may be a few surprises along the way! | |
| 15:00 | | The Power Of 90s Love! | Acum la TV | MTV 90s
The power of love is strong here at MTV, which is why we've put all of the best love songs and power ballads the 1990s had to offer in one heartfelt playlist! | |
| 15:10 | | Stream Nation - Unravel 2 3 | Acum la TV | Gametoon HD
Join Gametoon for true gaming fiesta with some of the most popular streamers in the world. Stream Nation series offers a chance to learn more about such titles as The Resident Evil 2, Spider-Man, Fortnite or Unravel 2. Tune in for non-stop fun and countless tips on how to improve your gaming skills!STREAM NATION - GUACAMELEE! 2 | |
| 15:10 | | Catfish: Emisiunea TV | Acum la TV | MTV Europe
După luni de mesaje amoroase schimbate cu un fotomodel sexy cunoscut pe o aplicaţie matrimonială, Marvin e nerăbdător să-l întâlnească. Max şi cântareaţa Chantal Claret îl ajută pe Marvin să-şi găsească iubirea. | |
| 15:55 | | Stream Nation - Fortnite Lothar Gt 4 | Gametoon HD
Join Gametoon for true gaming fiesta with some of the most popular streamers in the world. Stream Nation series offers a chance to learn more about such titles as The Resident Evil 2, Spider-Man, Fortnite or Unravel 2. Tune in for non-stop fun and countless tips on how to improve your gaming skills!STREAM NATION - GUACAMELEE! 2 | |
| 15:55 | | Catfish: Emisiunea TV | MTV Europe
Solana vrea să ducă relația cu prietenul ei Danny, la următorul nivel. Dar nu poate să nu se gândească la crush-ul ei online, Elijah. Pozele lui au apărut în atât de multe profil-uri, încât Solana trebuie să știe: Ăsta-i Elijah adevărat? | |
| 16:00 | | MTV Rewind: 2010 | MTV Live HD
Step into the MTV Time Machine and travel back to 2011 to check out what tracks were stealing our hearts and ruling the charts! | |
| 16:40 | | Catfish: Emisiunea TV | MTV Europe
Dorion ezită între actuala prietenă Raffinee și iubita online Jeszica. Dorion e gata să renunțe la tot pentru Jeszica, inclusiv la Raffinee. Dorion vrea să știe dacă Jeszica e fata din poze. | |
| 16:55 | | Stream Nation - Fortnite Lothar Gt 5 | Gametoon HD
Join Gametoon for true gaming fiesta with some of the most popular streamers in the world. Stream Nation series offers a chance to learn more about such titles as The Resident Evil 2, Spider-Man, Fortnite or Unravel 2. Tune in for non-stop fun and countless tips on how to improve your gaming skills!STREAM NATION - GUACAMELEE! 2 | |
| 17:20 | | Catfish Marea Britanie | MTV Europe
Taylor e îndrăgostită de Brad, deşi nu i-a văzut niciodată faţa. Pot Oobah şi Nella să-l găsească pe bărbatul visurilor ei şi va avea Taylor parte de un final fericit? | |
| 17:55 | | Stream Nation - Fortnite Lothar Gt 6 | Gametoon HD
Join Gametoon for true gaming fiesta with some of the most popular streamers in the world. Stream Nation series offers a chance to learn more about such titles as The Resident Evil 2, Spider-Man, Fortnite or Unravel 2. Tune in for non-stop fun and countless tips on how to improve your gaming skills!STREAM NATION - GUACAMELEE! 2 | |
În aceasta seara | 18:50 | | Stream Nation - Spiderman Ep 4 | Gametoon HD
Join Gametoon for true gaming fiesta with some of the most popular streamers in the world. Stream Nation series offers a chance to learn more about such titles as The Resident Evil 2, Spider-Man, Fortnite or Unravel 2. Tune in for non-stop fun and countless tips on how to improve your gaming skills!STREAM NATION - GUACAMELEE! 2 | |
| 19:00 | | Global Beats! | MTV Live HD
Tune in for a selection of the biggest Hip-Hop, R&B, K-Pop and Reggaeton beats that are taking over the world! | |
| 19:00 | | Playlist | Trace Caribbean
Classic hits and new songs from the best Zouk, Reggae, Bachata, Dancehall, Salsa, Kizomba, Reggaeton, Compa artists. | |
| 19:15 | | Infideli: Prinşi în flagrant Infideli | MTV Europe
Miniyah se ocupă de cariera de dansatoare a iubitei ei, Jay. Dar Jay a pretins că are nevoie de spaţiu şi a plecat din casa unde stăteau împreună. Miniyah se întreabă dacă flirturile lui Jay au făcut-o să se mute cu altcineva. | |
| 19:50 | | Stream Nation - Spiderman Ep 5 | Gametoon HD
Join Gametoon for true gaming fiesta with some of the most popular streamers in the world. Stream Nation series offers a chance to learn more about such titles as The Resident Evil 2, Spider-Man, Fortnite or Unravel 2. Tune in for non-stop fun and countless tips on how to improve your gaming skills!STREAM NATION - GUACAMELEE! 2 | |
| 20:00 | | Non-Stop Y2Ks! | MTV 00s
The 00s gave us some iconic tracks and we're going to play some of them for you non-stop! | |
| 20:00 | | Rock.Alt.Indie | MTV Live HD
Plug in your guitar and amp up the volume because we're bringing you the best of the best from the Rock, Alternative and Indie scene! | |
| 20:50 | | Ridiculousness | MTV Europe
Într-un nou episod, Rob şi Steelo o întâmpină pe Nina Agdal şi sunt martorii terorii provocate de fulger, merg pe munte să se distreze şi află că cea mai bună parte a iubirii e să întinereşti împreună. | |
| 21:00 | | Stream Nation - Spiderman Ep 6 | Gametoon HD
Join Gametoon for true gaming fiesta with some of the most popular streamers in the world. Stream Nation series offers a chance to learn more about such titles as The Resident Evil 2, Spider-Man, Fortnite or Unravel 2. Tune in for non-stop fun and countless tips on how to improve your gaming skills!STREAM NATION - GUACAMELEE! 2 | |
| 21:00 | | 1987 Wrapped! | MTV 80s
We're powering-up the MTV time machine and going back to celebrate the best years of our lives! This time we land in 1987 ...and you can expect hits from Pet Shop Boys, T'Pau and Rick Astley! | |
| 21:00 | | Guess The Year | MTV Hits
Test your musical knowledge! Can you guess the year in which the following set of classic videos were released? | |
| 21:00 | | MTV Unplugged: Pearl Jam | MTV Live HD
Riding high on the success of their debut album, Pearl Jam taped this Unplugged episode at midnight at the Kaufman Astoria Studios in March of 1992. | |
| 21:00 | | Concert Aniversar | TVR International
* „Hai Catrină!”-Mioara Velicu-80 de ani de viaţă, 60 de ani de cântec * Partea I
Jurnalist Anamaria Voicu
Prezentator şi producător Iuliana Tudor | |
| 21:15 | | Ridiculousness | MTV Europe
Într-un nou episod, Rob şi Steelo sunt împreună cu Nina Agdal să vadă cât de departe merg unii ca să scape de spălat vasele, văd nişte telefoane mobile şi află unde doare cel mai tare. | |
| 21:20 | | Sum 41: I Want My MTV | MTV Live HD
Sum 41 come in to MTV HQ to talk about the music videos that have made them into the successful artist they are today! What was the first video they ever saw on MTV? | |
| 21:40 | | Ridiculousness | MTV Europe
Într-un nou episod, Rob şi Steelo o întâmpină pe Lolo Wood, ca să mănânce ceva noaptea târziu, să descopere că rachetele de jucărie pot fi periculoase şi cunosc câteva animale maestre în evadare. | |
| 21:45 | | MTV World Stage: Green Day... | MTV Live HD
... Rock am Ring 2013. One of the world's biggest selling bands, Green Day, perform to over 80,000 fans at the 2013 Rock Am Ring festival held at the Nurburgring, Germany. | |
| 21:52 | | Elton John - Live in London 2013 | Stingray iConcerts HD
Filmed at Roundhouse, London, this concert film will give all fans a spectacular Live experience from start to finish. Classic Elton John featuring unforgettable version of his hits: "Tiny Dancer", "Rocket Man", "Your Song" and many more… | |
| 21:55 | | Stream Nation - Call Of Duty Ep 2 | Gametoon HD
Join Gametoon for true gaming fiesta with some of the most popular streamers in the world. Stream Nation series offers a chance to learn more about such titles as The Resident Evil 2, Spider-Man, Fortnite or Unravel 2. Tune in for non-stop fun and countless tips on how to improve your gaming skills!STREAM NATION - GUACAMELEE! 2 | |
| 22:00 | | Crazy In Love! | MTV 00s
Nothing makes you crazier than falling in love. Check out this collection of some of the best loved up tunes! | |
| 22:00 | | 50 Legends That Made The 90s! | MTV 90s
These legends made the 90s what it was with their incredible hits and amazing vids so why not celebrate a few right now with our top 50 countdown? | |
| 22:00 | | Ridiculousness | MTV Europe
Într-un nou episod, Rob şi Steelo o întâmpină pe Karrueche Tran şi află ce periculoase pot fi exerciţiile, cunosc câţiva băutori profesionişti şi descoperă că unora nu le este frică de foc. | |
| 22:20 | | Ridiculousness | MTV Europe
Într-un nou episod, lui Rob şi Steelo li se alătură invitata specială Karrueche Tran şi parchează în locuri nepotrivite, văd un comportament neadecvat al manechinelor şi anulează invitaţii la nuntă. | |
| 22:45 | | Ridiculousness | MTV Europe
Într-un nou episod, lui Rob şi Steelo li se alătură invitata Karrueche Tran. Ei îşi duc la bun sfârşit treburile, îşi fac fericiţi câinii şi acceptă greşelile miraculoase. | |
| 22:50 | | Stream Nation - Doom Eternal Ep 2 | Gametoon HD
Join Gametoon for true gaming fiesta with some of the most popular streamers in the world. Stream Nation series offers a chance to learn more about such titles as The Resident Evil 2, Spider-Man, Fortnite or Unravel 2. Tune in for non-stop fun and countless tips on how to improve your gaming skills!STREAM NATION - GUACAMELEE! 2 | |
La noapte | 23:00 | | Hits Don't Lie | MTV 00s
Hits don't lie! Get ready for the biggest and best worldwide smashes from past to present! | |
| 23:00 | | VOYANCE | Trace Caribbean
Find here all the broadcast,which make the success of TV Astrocenter. At the same time playful and didactic, these programs assure you to spend a good moment. | |
| 23:05 | | Ridiculousness | MTV Europe
Într-un nou episod, Rob şi Steelo o întâmpină pe Nina Agdal ca să înfrunte pericolul, să petreacă ceva timp în cea mai periculoasă încăpere şi să meargă pe un şantier. | |
| 23:30 | | Ridiculousness | MTV Europe
Într-un nou episod, Rob şi Steelo o întâmpină pe Nina Agdal şi cunosc căţiva copii flămânzi, câteva animale de companie care nu-şi lasă singuri stăpânii, apoi beau rom cu piraţii. | |
| 23:36 | | The Offspring - Rock AM | Stingray iConcerts HD
The Offspring is an American rock band from Garden Grove, California, formed in 1984. Originally formed under the name Manic Subsidal, the band's lineup consists of lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist Bryan "Dexter" Holland, bassist Todd Morse and lead guitarist Kevin "Noodles" Wasserman. | |
| 23:50 | | Ridiculousness | MTV Europe
Într-un nou episod, lui Rob şi Steelo li se alătură invitata Nina Agdal ca să afle ce efect au săriturile, apoi văd cum se mai pot folosi cutiile de carton şi urmăresc feline care se furişează. | |
| 23:55 | | Stream Nation - God Of War Ep4 | Gametoon HD
Join Gametoon for true gaming fiesta with some of the most popular streamers in the world. Stream Nation series offers a chance to learn more about such titles as The Resident Evil 2, Spider-Man, Fortnite or Unravel 2. Tune in for non-stop fun and countless tips on how to improve your gaming skills!STREAM NATION - GUACAMELEE! 2 | |
| 00:00 | | MTV Rewind: 2010 | MTV Live HD
Step into the MTV Time Machine and travel back to 2011 to check out what tracks were stealing our hearts and ruling the charts! | |
| 00:00 | | Playlist | Trace Caribbean
Classic hits and new songs from the best Zouk, Reggae, Bachata, Dancehall, Salsa, Kizomba, Reggaeton, Compa artists. | |
| 00:15 | | Ridiculousness | MTV Europe
Într-un nou episod, Rob, Steelo şi Nina Agdal încearcă să-i ajute pe unii oameni să treacă peste şocul suferit, îşi pierd răbdarea din cauza GPS-ului şi merg pe străzi în cautarea unor răspunsuri. | |
| 00:35 | | Ridiculousness | MTV Europe
Într-un nou episod, Rob, Steelo şi Nina Agdal au parte de păsări rele, vizitează nişte domni sălbatici şi încearcă să uite nişte anunţuri deplasate. | |
| 00:41 | | Radiohead - Rock Legends | Stingray iConcerts HD
Radiohead was formed when its members were attending Abingdon School in Oxfordshire
After a succession of local shows, On A Friday were signed to EMI. They enlisted Grunge producer Paul Kolderie for their first release “Creep”.
In 2011 Radiohead released “The King of Limbs”, once more they experimented with new studio techniques to create the album.
Radiohead, are the most influential band of the modern era. You wouldn’t have Coldplay without Radiohead | |
| 00:55 | | Stream Nation - God Of War Ep5 | Gametoon HD
Join Gametoon for true gaming fiesta with some of the most popular streamers in the world. Stream Nation series offers a chance to learn more about such titles as The Resident Evil 2, Spider-Man, Fortnite or Unravel 2. Tune in for non-stop fun and countless tips on how to improve your gaming skills!STREAM NATION - GUACAMELEE! 2 | |
| 01:00 | | Reload! Club Classics | Club MTV
We're going big on dancefloor smashes from across our favourite decades - that's massive tunes from the 90s, 00s and 10s! | |
| 01:00 | | Din culisele muzicii 2021 | MTV Europe
Remy Ma ne prezintă drumul ei pentru a deveni regina hip hop din New York. Drumul spre celebritate alături de Terror Squad a fost pavat cu eşecuri. O condamnare era să-i pună capăt drumului. Revenirea ei a inspirat milioane de oameni. Un nou episod. | |
| 01:00 | | MTV Top 20 | MTV Hits
Let's take a look at some of the biggest hits that are circulating the globe right now in this top 20 countdown! | |
| 01:35 | | Stream Nation - God Of War Ep6 | Gametoon HD
Join Gametoon for true gaming fiesta with some of the most popular streamers in the world. Stream Nation series offers a chance to learn more about such titles as The Resident Evil 2, Spider-Man, Fortnite or Unravel 2. Tune in for non-stop fun and countless tips on how to improve your gaming skills!STREAM NATION - GUACAMELEE! 2 | |
| 01:45 | | World Stage: Momente importante EMA 2024 | MTV Europe
Prezentată de Rita Ora, festivitatea de decernare a premiilor MTV din Manchester îi celebrează pe cei mai mari artişti din lume, iar pe scenă apar interpreţi spectaculoşi, printre care Benson Boone, Le Sserafim şi Shawn Mendes. | |
| 02:00 | | Stream Nation - Red Dead Redemption Ii Ep3 | Gametoon HD
Join Gametoon for true gaming fiesta with some of the most popular streamers in the world. Stream Nation series offers a chance to learn more about such titles as The Resident Evil 2, Spider-Man, Fortnite or Unravel 2. Tune in for non-stop fun and countless tips on how to improve your gaming skills!STREAM NATION - GUACAMELEE! 2 | |
| 02:35 | | Ridiculousness | MTV Europe
Într-un nou episod, Rob, Steelo şi Lolo Wood descoperă greşeli nu tocmai minore, îşi iau doza zilnică de calciu şi se gândesc la regulile după care trebuie să trăieşti. | |
| 02:55 | | Ridiculousness | MTV Europe
Într-un nou episod, Rob, Steelo şi Carly Aquilino iau animale la întâmplare, adună gunoaie de distracţie şi se simt dezgustaţi. | |
| 03:00 | | Big Tunes! | Club MTV
Classic anthems or new dancefloor smashes. As long as they're big tunes, we're playing them all right now! | |
| 03:00 | | Rock.Alt.Indie | MTV Live HD
Plug in your guitar and amp up the volume because we're bringing you the best of the best from the Rock, Alternative and Indie scene! | |
| 03:05 | | Stream Nation - Red Dead Redemption Ii Ep4 | Gametoon HD
Join Gametoon for true gaming fiesta with some of the most popular streamers in the world. Stream Nation series offers a chance to learn more about such titles as The Resident Evil 2, Spider-Man, Fortnite or Unravel 2. Tune in for non-stop fun and countless tips on how to improve your gaming skills!STREAM NATION - GUACAMELEE! 2 | |
| 04:00 | | Forever 80s | MTV 80s
Nothing but the best hits from the most memorable acts of the 1980s. No filler! | |
| 04:00 | | Behind The Music: Shania Twain | MTV Live HD
Shania Twain shares her journey to becoming the reigning queen of country music. From a humble beginning, she overcame tragic loss. But she shattered expectations of what a global country star can be. | |
| 04:15 | | Stream Nation - Resident Evil 2 Ep 2 | Gametoon HD
Join Gametoon for true gaming fiesta with some of the most popular streamers in the world. Stream Nation series offers a chance to learn more about such titles as The Resident Evil 2, Spider-Man, Fortnite or Unravel 2. Tune in for non-stop fun and countless tips on how to improve your gaming skills!STREAM NATION - GUACAMELEE! 2 | |
| 04:45 | | MTV Family Legacy | MTV Live HD
With exclusive footage and brand-new interviews with the children of our favourite music stars, MTV's Family Legacy gives fans a fresh take on some of MTV's celebrated events. (S1, ep3) | |
| 05:00 | | Rihanna x Coldplay | MTV 00s
We've got nothing but back to back hits from two global icons, Rihanna & Coldplay (who collabed in 2011)! | |
| 05:00 | | 90s Mixtape! | MTV 90s
Get your walkman ready, we've hand-picked a mega selection of 90s pop, R&B and dance videos from the MTV archive. Mix it up, on MTV 90s! | |
| 05:00 | | #dyk? | Trace Urban HD
DID YOU KNOW? In #DYK?, TRACE Urban brings you all the latest news about your favorite artists - gossips, behind the scenes, music updates - while you are watching his / her new music video. | |
| 05:15 | | Stream Nation - Resident Evil 2 Ep 3 | Gametoon HD
Join Gametoon for true gaming fiesta with some of the most popular streamers in the world. Stream Nation series offers a chance to learn more about such titles as The Resident Evil 2, Spider-Man, Fortnite or Unravel 2. Tune in for non-stop fun and countless tips on how to improve your gaming skills!STREAM NATION - GUACAMELEE! 2 | |
| 05:45 | | Beyoncé - Sound of Change | Stingray iConcerts HD
The Sound Of Change was a benefit concert held at Twickenham Stadium, London, England, as part of the Chime For Change initiative, founded by Beyoncé with the help of actress Salma Hayek and Gucci's creative director, Frida Giannini. | |
| 06:00 | | Non-Stop Y2Ks! | MTV 00s
The 00s gave us some iconic tracks and we're going to play some of them for you non-stop! | |
| 06:00 | | Non-Stop Hits | MTV Hits
We got hits... We got hits from the 80s. And guess what? They don't stop! You're welcome! | |
| 06:15 | | Stream Nation - Blair Witch Ep 2 | Gametoon HD
Join Gametoon for true gaming fiesta with some of the most popular streamers in the world. Stream Nation series offers a chance to learn more about such titles as The Resident Evil 2, Spider-Man, Fortnite or Unravel 2. Tune in for non-stop fun and countless tips on how to improve your gaming skills!STREAM NATION - GUACAMELEE! 2 | |
| 06:30 | | Albumul Naţional | National TV
Singura emisiune despre folclorul românesc autentic ce poate fi urmărită la o televiziune comercială este prezentată de doi interpreţi populari extrem de cunoscuţi - Cornelia şi Lupu Rednic. Programul are, în fiecare ediţie, invitaţi la fel de populari printre iubitorii de folclor precum prezentatorii, invitaţi care vin din toate zonele ţării pentru a aduce în faţa telespectatorilor obiceiurile, tradiţiile, cântul şi portul specifice regiunii lor.
Albumul Naţional este o pledoarie pentru cântecul şi arta populară autentice, aducând telespectatorul mai aproape de valorile neamului făcându-l totodată să descopere ori să redescopere tradiţiile, istoria şi cântul autentic din zona din care el însuşi provine. | |
| 06:36 | | Foo Fighters - Pop Profiles | Stingray iConcerts HD
Experience the stories of the stars through their major hit singles. We chart their career from the earliest performances to the present, via breakthrough singles, concerts and signings with major labels. Featuring: Foo Fighters | |